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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | BerlinScienceSurvey | Study Results Berlin Science Survey 2024 | Structural conditions in science | The role of the Berlin University Alliance in the Berlin research area

The role of the Berlin University Alliance in the Berlin research area

As in 2022, in 2024 the respondents from the Berlin universities were again asked to what extent they were aware of the BUA or were themselves involved in BUA activities. This indicator can also help the Berlin University Alliance to reflect on the reach of its communication and project-related measures. According to Figure 17, the proportion of those who have no knowledge of the BUA has decreased from 15.5% to 11.3% in the last two years. There has also been a slight increase in almost all other types of involvement in the BUA.

Figure 17 Involvement in the BUA, over time

For the following assessment of the role and impact of the BUA in the Berlin research area, those who had never heard of the BUA were excluded. Figure 18 shows assessments of the BUA based on three attributes that are similar to those used in image surveys. The image of the BUA has improved somewhat in the last two years, as a slightly larger number of people now share the view that the Berlin research area is becoming more innovative and international as a result of the BUA.

Figure 18 Assessment of the impact of the BUA, over time

In summary, it can be said that most scientists consider the Berlin research area to be well-positioned with regard to many of the target dimensions addressed by the BUA, such as innovativeness, ability to cooperate, and internationality. Over the past two years, the Berlin University Alliance has succeeded in both increasing its visibility among scientists and attracting a broader range of participants to BUA activities. Most of the BUA respondents associate the Alliance's work with a positive image and creative power. On the other hand, the national and local conditions for scientific work are viewed much more critically. At the national level, these are the financing system and career structures, and at the local level, in particular the administrative processes, the material/institutional framework conditions, but also, to some extent, the promotion of young scientists. If, on the whole, things are going well and only a few aspects emerge as problem areas, then this also has advantages for an organisation. It can concentrate on these problem areas without neglecting the other aspects.