Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - English

Multivariate associations

In order to assess factors influencing motivation and stress using multivariate methods, corresponding regression models were estimated (see Figures 53 and 54).

For the model on motivation (Figure 53), a motivation index (according to the principal component method) was derived from the three motivation items (see Figures 41 and 42). This motivation index is the basis for Figure 53 as a dependent variable. There are clear differences for the status groups: postdocs and professors are significantly more motivated than predocs when controlling for the other factors. Work cultures with a high degree of cooperation and competition are also associated with more motivation than work cultures with low cooperation or with a high level of cooperation but low competition. Here it is very clear that competition in a good working environment (high level of cooperation) is positively related to motivation. Finally, it can also be seen that humanities scholars are more highly motivated than social scientists.

Figure 53 Multivariate model of work motivation

For the model on stress (Figure 54), the scale on stress (see Figure 48) was converted into a stress index (using a principal component analysis). This stress index is the dependent variable in Figure 54, which allows us to answer the question of which groups are particularly affected by work stress and/or stress. The multivariate model now shows that stress is significantly higher among women and gender diverse scientists, as well as among postdocs, compared to predocs, but especially among professors. Work culture is also related to stress. The stress index is significantly higher in work cultures with low cooperation and in work cultures characterised by competition. Interestingly, the type of institution also makes a difference. For example, scientists at non-university research institutions are significantly less stressed than those at universities (see Figure 54). This can also be attributed to the much better rated structural conditions at the BR 50 with regard to administrative processes (see Figure 14). Finally, work motivation also makes a difference: people with higher intrinsic motivation are, all other things being equal, somewhat less stressed. However, the effect can also be interpreted the other way around, in that constant stress leads to a loss of intrinsic motivation. The question of causality cannot be conclusively clarified on the basis of the available (cross-sectional) data.

Figure 54 Multivariate model for the stress index

In summary, it can be said that science is characterised by an extremely high level of intrinsic motivation. In addition, almost everyone views their work as meaningful. In particular, professors (around 90%) have a positive attitude towards their own work. The significantly lower motivation among postdocs and especially among predocs could indicate that the selection process for academic careers leads to the “most motivated” going down the often long and arduous path.

The downside of high motivation is the high workload. This starts with weekly working hours, or overtime, that far exceed what is usual in other professional fields (cf. IAB 2024). For the predocs, (involuntary) part-time work is a problem because, given the work culture, part-time contracts force them into higher overtime hours. For example, overtime is particularly high among predocs in the natural sciences, while it is significantly lower in the engineering sciences, where contracts with a higher number of hours are awarded. The work culture essentially determines weekly working hours, and to a greater extent than the scope of the contract.

The diversity of tasks and frequent additional demands and expectations put pressure on scientists in their work. Two-thirds of respondents say they regularly work under time pressure. Almost as many say that they are behind on their work, and more than half admit that they are exhausted by their work. One might think that postdocs are particularly stressed because they are usually not (yet) in a secure position and thus face greater competitive pressure. However, professors show even higher levels of stress.

A multivariate analysis of the determinants of these stresses (stress index) reveals not only the effects of status groups but also that scientists at non-university research institutions feel significantly less stressed and women across all groups feel significantly more stressed. Here, university management has a clear task to minimise stress through appropriate measures. The work cultures also provide a good insight into ways to minimise stress factors. For example, cooperative working environments without competitive pressure are likely to keep stress levels low. Perhaps in these working environments, interactions with one another are generally more considerate and responsible.